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Name Position University Department
Kathi Miner-Rubino Texas A&M University Psychology
Travis Grosser University of Connecticut Business
Jon Maner Florida State University Psychology
Thomas Rockstuhl Nanyang Technological University Management
Diana Rus University of Groningen Behavioural and Social Sciences
John Michel University of Notre Dame Management
Tracy Smith
Jeffrey Pfeffer Stanford University Organisational Behaviour
Shimon Saphire-Bernstein University of California, Los Angeles (former)
Angela Osborn
Deshani Ganegoda University of Melbourne Business
Alexander Mathew
Holly Schroth UC Berkeley Management
Sarah Novak Hofstra University Psychology
Jay Carson Southern Methodist University Texas Management
Tae-Yeol Kim China Europe International Business School Management
Susan Fiske Princeton University Psychology
Jayanth Narayanan National University of Singapore Management and Organisations
Brandy Aven Carnegie Mellon University Business
Rosanna Guadagno Stanford University International Studies