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Name Position University Department
Nicholas Hays Michigan State Univeristy Business
Kevin Lowe University of Sydney Business
Peter Kim University of Southern California Business
Luisa Pinto University of Porto Business
Karen S. Cook Stanford University Sociology
Elizabeth Gerber Northwestern University Engineering
Sebastien Brion IESE Business School Managing People in Organizaitons
Alison Bianchi University of Iowa Sociology
Ana Guinote University College London Psychology
Christina Fong Carnegie Mellon University Business
Liva VanScotter
GAVIN KILDUFF New York University
Lee Macenczak Kennesaw State University Management
Richard Y.Bourhis Université du Québec à Montréal Psychology
Elizabeth C.Ravlin University of South Carolina Management
Zur Shapira New York University Management
Isabel Ng Fudan University Business Administration
David Dubois INSEAD Business
Peter D. Harms The University of Alabama Business
Bill Schoenberg