Michael Kraus
Yale University |
Management |
Sam Garg
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Business |
New York University |
Ishtar Govia
University of the West Indies |
Health |
Keith Murnighan
Northwestern University |
Management and Organisations |
Stuart Bunderson
Washington University in St. Louis |
Business |
Marianne SchmidMast
University of Lausanne |
Organisational Behaviour |
Don Saracco
Hillary AngerElfenbein
Washington University of St Louis |
Business |
Celeste Doerr
Henning Piezunka
Entrepreneurship |
Jayanth Narayanan
National University of Singapore |
Management and Organisations |
Keith Davis
University of Louisville |
Education |
Deshani Ganegoda
University of Melbourne |
Business |
Christopher Oveis
University of California San Diego |
Management |
Joost Luijendijk
Unilever International |
Business Development and Management |
Denise LewinLoyd
University of Illinois |
Business |
Jonathan Wilson
University of East Anglia |
Marketing |
Angela Osborn
Carrie Langner
California Polytechnic State Univeristy |
Psychology |