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Name Position University Department
Michael Kraus Yale University Management
Sam Garg The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business
GAVIN KILDUFF New York University
Ishtar Govia University of the West Indies Health
Keith Murnighan Northwestern University Management and Organisations
Stuart Bunderson Washington University in St. Louis Business
Marianne SchmidMast University of Lausanne Organisational Behaviour
Don Saracco
Hillary AngerElfenbein Washington University of St Louis Business
Celeste Doerr
Henning Piezunka INSEAD Entrepreneurship
Jayanth Narayanan National University of Singapore Management and Organisations
Keith Davis University of Louisville Education
Deshani Ganegoda University of Melbourne Business
Christopher Oveis University of California San Diego Management
Joost Luijendijk Unilever International Business Development and Management
Denise LewinLoyd University of Illinois Business
Jonathan Wilson University of East Anglia Marketing
Angela Osborn
Carrie Langner California Polytechnic State Univeristy Psychology