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Name Position University Department
Cassie Hull The University of Alabama
Crosby Hipes University of Maryland Sociology
FPVB3UVO www.yandex.ru ladonna FPVB3UVO www.yandex.ru ladonna FPVB3UVO www.yandex.ru ladonna FPVB3UVO www.yandex.ru ladonna
Ataollah Tafaghodijami Northwestern University Marketing
Bob Fennis University of Groningen Marketing / Psychology
Sarah Otner Imperial College London Management
Margaret Neale Stanford University Management
Dennis Veltrop University of Groningen Economics and Business
GAVIN KILDUFF New York University
Eric Levy Queen Mary University of London Business and Management
Kevin Lowe University of Sydney Business
Diana Rus University of Groningen Behavioural and Social Sciences
David Dubois INSEAD Business
Tia Strozier
Pamela Smith UC San Diego Management
Raina Brands London Business School Business
Elizabeth Gerber Northwestern University Engineering
John Burrows University of Oxford Business
Jing Zhu Nanyang Technological University Singapore Business
Angela Osborn